Friday, September 7, 2012

First Week of Classes

Well, my first week of classes in London is finished! It's been a pretty hectic week actually.  So far, most of my classes seem like they're going to be enjoyable, which I'm pretty excited about.  I'm taking a mixture of courses like Video Production, PR and Self Presentation in the Media, and a few other COM and Psychology courses.  I think my favorite course here will be my Fashion in the Media course. I really like the teacher and what he's told us we will be learning this semester.  I've always had quite an interest in fashion and even toyed with the idea of changing my major to be Fashion Comm, but I stuck with PR.  I know that in the future even with a PR degree I can still find my way into fashion.  Being here, taking this fashion course, and seeing all the fashion displayed here really makes my mind spin with how much I do want to get into that field.  It's definitely going on my list of possible jobs! :)

Last night was by far one of the best nights here.  We started the night off going to Vogue's Fashion's Night Out.  This is a huge night for many name brand companies.  Vogue puts on this event in major cities all over the world on the same night every year.  Stores everywhere get ready for a huge night where they showcase some of their new clothes for the fall season offering free drinks, discounted prices, and sometimes free gifts!  The street was packed with people everywhere.  The scene was insane.  We didn't stay there long, but it was so cool to see everything and be able to say that I went to Vogue's Fashion's Night Out in London!  Being there has really got me excited for the fashion show that I got tickets for in a couple of weeks as well.

This weekend, the program that I'm apart of here is offering us two free trips.  On Saturday, we will be going on the London Eye!  Obviously, this is a huge thing in London, so I'm extremely excited to go!   The Thames Festival is going on this weekend as well, so along with our free ride on the London Eye we're able to attend the Festival which is right around the corner from the Eye.  We saw the festival from a distance last weekend and they had a swing ride which I'm incredibly excited for! I'm such a child sometimes.  :) On Sunday, we're being offered another free trip to Bath and Stonehedge for the day! I've heard a lot of things about both of these places that they're definitely somewhere to visit, so I'm really glad that my school is giving me the opportunity to go, and for nothing!

Everything else here has been going pretty well.  The weather, believe it or not, has been BEAUTIFUL!  It has been sunny every single day this week and it has not rained ONCE! *knock on wood*  It's actually gotten to the point where I am sweating! I definitely did not pack for this kind of weather.  Although, I know I will complain when it gets super cold out!  I'm starting to miss home more and more, but I know that where I am and what I am doing is going to be extremely beneficial for me, so I'm trying to push through and forget about all the things that are making me sad.  :)

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