Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hello, London!!

Big Ben & the London Eye!

So, I decided that while I'm abroad in London I'm going to do a blog for everyone to keep up with all my adventures and stuff!! I feel like its a bit corny, but this will probably be really easy for me to get my stories out to people who want to hear them rather than me repeating myself over and over again to my friends and family! :)

I guess we can start off with saying that it's Thursday and I've been here a total of 2 days already.  The flight here was okay and very quick thank god! After a bus ride from the airport to the school we were able to move into our rooms and get comfortable.  We got to meet so many new people and explored around the area that we're going to be living around.  We are right around the corner from Kensington High Street which reminds me so much of New York City.  There are stores everywhere with literally everything you could think of.  I absolutely love it! There's so many things right within our reach I don't think we will ever have a problem with finding essentials.  One of the first things I saw was a Juicy Couture taxi, and if you know anything about me you'll know that Juicy is one of my favorite brands.  I don't think I've ever screamed with excitement that loud, ever.  I've made it my goal to ride in that taxi at least once during my stay here! Later that night we got to go to a college pub which is right down the street from us where we can get discounted drinks and be around other college kids from the area.

Juicy Couture Taxi!

On Wednesday we got to do some more exploring and getting used to our surroundings.  We got to take a bus tour of London and got to see some of the big sites like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the London Eye! It was a bit rainy so it was a good thing we were on the bus! After a brief orientation with school we got to go to a pub and got to participate in a Great Britain Pub Quiz.  That was a lot of fun, although I think we all learned we really don't know anything about the Olympics, but we did get all the Kim Kardashian questions right!!

Megan, Christina & me by Big Ben

Today has been quite the productive day as well.  I got a lot of errands done and even signed up for a trip to Manchester and Liverpool later in the semester!!  We all got free tickets to a play today near Piccidilly Circus which will be really fun to experience.  We're all looking forward to having a nice night out!

Over all we're having such a fun time!! The weather hasn't been terrible and its definitely a nice change from the sticky summer heat in America.  I'm definitely loving it here so far & can only imagine how much more I will fall in love with it as the time goes on.  I'll be uploading more pictures to Facebook soon so everyone can see all the sites & the fun we've been having!! :)

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